Ultima editie a premiilor Young Hollywood Awards a demonstrat ca productiile cinematografice cu vampiri au priza la public. Astfel actritele din Twilight (Nikki Reed si Ashley Greene) au luat 3 premii iar serialul The Vampire Diaries a castigat 2 premii. Vedeti mai jos lista completa a castigatorilor:
Artist of the Year: Nick Jonas
Superstar in the Making: Nikki Reed
Breakthrough of the Year: Liam Hemsworth
Newcomer of the Year: Justin Bieber
Cast to Watch: Paul Wesley, Nina Dobrev, and Ian Somerhalder from “The Vampire Diaries”
Comedian of the Year: Whitney Cummings
Making their Mark: Nina Dobrev
Style Icon: Ashley Greene
Sparkling Performance: Jessica Stroup
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